Eucalyptus 80/85 - Eucalyptus globulus

Common Name:  Eucalyptus 80/85 Essential Oil, Organic 

The 80/85 designation indicates a 1,8-cineole level of 80/85%, contributing to a therapeutically consistent chemical composition   

Being organic, this essential oil is sourced from plants or herbs cultivated and processed using organic principles. 

Botanical Name: Eucalyptus globulus, Organic

Synonyms: Labill; blue gum, Tasmanian blue gum

There are over 600 species of Eucalyptus, with less than 20 commercially available. Each species has its own chemical & action profile. Always make sure you know which species you are using and that it contains the properties you wish to utilize.  

Family: Myrtaceae 

Chemical Composition includes over 100 different constituents

1,8 cineole @ 60 – 70%

15 different monoterpene compounds equaling 20 – 25%                       

Precautions / Contraindications

DO NOT INGEST – can cause cardiovascular distress, poisoning, unconsciousness, and possible death.  Tisserrand Essential safety pg 274

Do not use near the face, especially of infants & young children.

GRAS status 

As with all essential oils, taking internally, ingesting or adding to food / beverages is not recommended and can cause harm. 

Keep all essential oils out of the reach of children, lids secured in a cool dark location. 

Actions commonly cited in aromatherapy:

The actions cited within this profile are not guaranteed in every situation; they are examples of what we can expect from each oil.  They are based on scientific analysis of each oil’s unique chemical composition and knowledge of the expected actions of those components, lab & clinical studies, historical & traditional uses, and firsthand & anecdotal experiences.



Anti inflammatory 


















Not sure what something means – check the Glossary here.

Please reach out if you want to better understand how essential oils work, have any questions or see how they may be right for you.    

Mental & Emotional Actions commonly cited in aromatherapy

Helps dispel melancholy, revive spirits, restore vitality, encourage a positive outlook.  Recommended for those who are or identify as being restricted by surroundings.   Not able to break free due to excessive caution, habit, fear or responsibilities.  Dispels negative feelings associated with current circumstances & change 

Become aware of emotions associated with burnout & stress, removes emotional blockages, take a deep breath, see situation from a new perspective

Can help revitalise our psyche to support our confidence when tackling life’s challenges.  Can help when faced with situations containing confusion, ambiguity or negativity.   Mental clarity & alertness.  

Stable, dependable, responsible, well balanced, calm, rational, laid back, cool.

May find it hard to relax, down time is not productive, can be inflexible. 

Good for cleansing where conflict or negative energies are felt, renewal.  Useful for emotions associated with stress & burnout  

Actions supported by clinical studies






Respiratory Decongestant   


Chakra: Any areas affected by conflict or negative emotions / move energy along

Lung phlegm, wood / heat, metal element 

Myers Briggs:  ISTJ – stable, responsible, dependable, private, punctual & precise, orderly, good concentration.  Hard to relax, overly detail orientated, accurate, mechanical, rules & procedures, resistant to change, tendency to be inflexible, quick to be critical or judgmental of others

Aromatic Note: Top

Oil & Aromatic Description The raw oil is a light to greenish yellow liquid with an unpleasant odour; may cause coughing & irritation when inhaled.  The rectified oil is   clear, with a refreshing, slightly camphoraceous aroma more typical of Eucalyptus.  

Rectification and blending of eucalyptus oils has become common place commercially to ensure an effective composition high in 1,8 cineole combined with consistent high plant / product yields required for commercial demand.  

Blends well with:  spicy, leafy & citrus aromas

Muscle aches & pains, rheumatic conditions,: black pepper, clove bud, ginger, spike lavender, rosemary

Colds, flu; ginger, lemon, peppermint, rosemary, tea tree

Bronchial congestion: cedarwood (Atlas & Virginian), citronella, peppermint

Mental clarity & awareness; basil, lemon, lime, peppermint or rosemary 

Not sure what something means – check the Glossary here

Method of Extraction:   Steam Distilled

Parts Used:  Fresh or partially dried leaves

Country of Origin:  Tasmania & Australia 

Please reach out if you want to better understand how essential oils work, have any questions or see how they may be right for you.     

As a Trained Aromatherapist, the services, recommendations and products offered by Robson Valley Aromatherapy are that of a complementary nature only and in no way replace medical advice or treatment of any other modality. I do not provide diagnostic services, make any curative claims, or prescribe medications. Clients are provided with information on how & why recommendations are made, appropriate methods of using essential oils, and encouraged to make educated decisions on the safe & effective use of essential oils. I do not recommend or support the use of essential oils internally.        


Salvatore Battaglia – The Complete Guide to Aromatherapy – Volume 1 – Third edition 

Robert Tisserand, Rodney Young – Essential Oil Safety – Second Edition