Bandit's Blend
Bandit's Blend
I am pleased to welcome “Bandits Blend” as the 2nd blend in the Robson Valley Aromatherapy line of house blends
Have you heard of the legend of the group of men who survived during the Bubonic Plague due to their knowledge and use of plant medicine? There are many versions of this legend, but the lesson is that plants, be it freshly harvested flowers, raw spices, dried herbs or expressed oils can support our physical health.
The “Thieves Oil” legend says that this group of men had access to and knowledge of how to use spices and herbs to protect themselves from the Bubonic Plague. Their blend come out of secrecy when the recipe was shared with the King in exchange for sparing their lives. The recipe for “thieves Oil” included cloves, lemon, cinnamon, and rosemary to which I have added a few more essential oils and created Bandit’s Blend.
Available in these formats
10 ml dropper bottle
5 ml dropper bottle - by request
10 ml roller diluted in hemp or jojoba oil @ 3% - by request
This blend contains - Citrus bergemia, Cinnamonum zeylanicum, Syzgium arimaticum, Eucalyptus globulus, Citrus limon, Rosmarinus officinalis.
Bergamot, Cinnamon leaf, Clove Bud, Eucalyptus, Lemon and Rosemary
Use in a personal inhaler or diffuse for short periods of time. Do not add to bath water.
DO NOT INGEST THIS BLEND or any other essential oils. Do not use directly on your skin. This blend contains a high percentage of 1,8 cineole which when overused can cause central nervous system issues, and difficulty breathing / shortness of breath in children & adults. Do not use with or around children younger than 10 years of age. Do not use with or around those are pregnant, nursing, have a bleeding disorder such as hemophiliac, on anti-coagulation medication, are scheduled for surgery, have diabetes, an ulcer, high blood pressure, epilepsy or hormone-dependent cancer. Do not use directly on your skin. This blend contains photosensitive citrus oils (Lemon & Bergamot); therefore, please avoid exposing areas where applied to sunshine / UV rays 12 hours after applying to skin to prevent skin irritation, rashes and possible burns.